Reading science fiction is a great way to prime your brain for innovation.  Writing science fiction is even better.  Unfortunately, writing a whole short story or a novel takes a lot of time.  To hone your innovative thinking skills, focus on the central thesis of a science fiction novel.  

  1. Something happens that makes the world fundamentally different from our world today
  2. As a result of this, something interesting, unexpected, and meaningful occurs.

A way to force us to only look at this seed of a novel is to restrict ourselves to brevity.  So let’s try Science Fiction Haiku.  Three lines consisting of five syllables, then seven syllables, then five again.  

So try it. Post your favorite ideas as a comment below.


  1. World where people have
    All their moods set on demand
    Happiness ends world

  2. Chocolate is free
    Buildings made with chocolate
    Melting in the sun

  3. Five thousand square feet
    Arable land per person
    We all get to eat

  4. weather changes world
    forecasting is a weapon
    weatherman is king

  5. Dancing with the stars
    Frozen vacuum between steps
    Land in arms of light

  6. this is awesome. I can see it as a Neil Gaiman story.
